''Soldier of Fortune, Inc.'' (known by fans as simply "SOF") is a television show created by Dan Gordon which ran for two seasons, from 1997–1999. The series was produced by Don Simpson/Jerry Bruckheimer Films (the company's first venture into television) and Rysher Entertainment. The show was about an elite team (composed of mostly former military personnel) who performed "unofficial" missions for the US Government. During the first season, the show dealt with terrorists and drug lords, and often tackled issues such as patriotism and self-sacrifice. For the second season, the show was renamed ''SOF: Special Ops Force''. Andrews and Sheppard left the show. Dennis Rodman and David Eigenberg replaced them, though their "hip" characters and new plots led many to abandon the show, leading to its cancellation. The theme song was performed by Trevor Rabin (of Yes fame). During the second season, an introductory voice-over by an uncredited Peter Graves (a ''Mission: Impossible'' alum who never appeared in this series) was added. == Cast of characters == 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Soldier of Fortune, Inc.」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク